Representing more than 2,900 Airline Workers at the Philadelphia Airport
Frequently Asked
General Questions
Who are the IAMAW?
The IAMAW (International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers) is a large and diverse organization, representing 720,000 members across North America. The Machinists Union is the strongest and most democratic labor union in the world.
For over 125 years the Machinists Union has been a leader in setting the standard for higher wages, better benefits, and improved working conditions for workers throughout the United States and Canada.
What is collective bargaining?
Collective bargaining is a process in which employees, represented by a labor union, negotiate with their employer to establish terms and conditions of employment, such as wages, working hours, and benefits, through formal discussions and agreements. It’s a way for workers to collectively advocate for their interests and reach mutually acceptable terms with their employer.
What is a steward?
A union shop steward is a trusted employee elected or appointed by fellow union members to represent and advocate for their interests in the workplace, helping to ensure that the collective bargaining agreement is upheld and addressing grievances and concerns.
What is the grievance procedure?
A union grievance procedure is a formal process for resolving disputes between union members and their employers. It is typically outlined in the collective bargaining agreement (CBA) between the union and the employer. The grievance procedure provides a step-by-step process for employees to raise and resolve their concerns, and it helps to ensure that all employees are treated fairly and consistently.
What happens when our contract expires?
When a union contract expires, the union and the employer must continue to bargain in good faith for a new contract. In the meantime, the terms of the expired contract will continue to apply, with a few exceptions. If the union and the employer are unable to reach an agreement on a new contract, the union may take strike action, or the employer may respond with a lockout.
Organization Benefits
What is a strike? What is a no-strike clause?
A union strike, no-strike clause is a provision in a collective bargaining agreement that prohibits the union from calling a strike during the term of the contract. In return, the employer agrees to refrain from locking out its employees. Strike, no-strike clauses are designed to provide stability and predictability in labor relations.
How will my dues money be used?
Union dues payments go toward a variety of activities, including:
- Staffing: The salaries and benefits of union staff, such as organizers, negotiators, and grievance representatives.
- Organizing: The costs associated with organizing new workers into the union, such as printing leaflets, holding meetings, and training organizers.
- Collective bargaining: The costs associated with negotiating and enforcing collective bargaining agreements, such as hiring attorneys and experts, and traveling to bargaining sessions.
- Member services: The costs associated with providing services to union members, such as legal assistance, educational programs, and scholarships.
- Strike fund: The money that is saved up to support union members on strike.
In addition to these general categories, union dues may also be used to support specific programs or initiatives, such as:
- Political action: Union dues may be used to support candidates and causes that are aligned with the union’s values.
- Community outreach: Union dues may be used to support community organizations and initiatives that benefit the union’s members and their families.
- Training and development: Union dues may be used to provide training and development opportunities to union members.
It is important to note that union dues are an investment in the members’ future. By paying dues, members are helping to ensure that the union has the resources it needs to fight for their rights and improve their working conditions.
Becoming a Member
I know of some workers in another shop that want to join the IAM. What should I do?
Contact your union rep.
How can I support my union?
There are many ways that union members can support their union. Here are a few ideas:
- Pay your dues. Union dues are essential for funding the union’s activities, such as organizing new workers, negotiating contracts, and providing services to members.
- Attend union meetings. Union meetings are a great way to learn about the union’s work, to meet other members, and to get involved in union activities.
- Volunteer your time. There are many ways to volunteer your time to your union, such as helping to organize events, canvassing neighborhoods, or talking to new workers about the union.
- Educate yourself about the union. The more you know about your union, the better equipped you will be to support it. Read union publications, attend union training programs, and talk to other union members about the union’s work.
- Get involved in your community. Unions are often involved in community activities, such as fighting for affordable housing, quality education, and healthcare for all. Getting involved in your community is a great way to show solidarity with your union and to promote the union’s values.
- Talk to your coworkers about the union. The best way to build support for the union is to talk to your coworkers about the benefits of union membership. Share your own experiences with the union, and talk about the specific issues that your coworkers are facing at work.
- Be positive and enthusiastic. Focus on the benefits of union membership, and on the specific improvements that the union can achieve for workers.
- Be respectful of all workers. Not all workers may be interested in joining the union. It is important to be respectful of all workers, regardless of their views on the union.